Wellbeing Company
Wellbeing Company

Our mission is to shape a mature and an awareness nation by empowering the psychological resilience of Ukrainians at times of extreme challenges.



Wellbeing Company is a consulting company that offers an innovative approach to improving business efficiency by working with the potential of employees.



For mature, socially responsible businesses and organizations for which employees and their well-being are an important value.



We develop and implement customized services and programs that help to maintain and increase the productivity of companies in the most difficult market conditions. We reduce costs associated with reduced employee efficiency, loss of top performers and staff turnover. We help create strong organizations empowering the physical, emotional and financial wellbeing of employees.



We adjust our products to the unique needs of each organization, taking into account current challenges, strategy, corporate culture and HR goals. Customization, efficiency and the highest ethical standards are our absolute priorities.


Organizational well-being impacts greatly all aspects from employee's stress levels to team engagement.



of employees positively assess the impact of organizational well-being on corporate culture.



reduction in the stress level of employees who feel comprehensively cared for by the company.



annual savings in the labor compensation fund inorganizations that implement programs of organizational well-being





    Higher resilience of companies to extraordinary external and internal challenges.
    Strengthening the compensation Employment Value Proposition package.
    • Embodiment of the principles of responsible supportive leadership.
    Market advantage in retaining existing and attracting the best talents


    Handpicking the right team is important, but even more important is to be sure that your team members are involved, stress-resistant and focused.
    ● Reduction of absenteeism and presenteeism indicators● Creating effective communication in the team● Support for the resourcefulness of team members● Diagnosis and identification of hidden crises


    Employees who feel the company's support in turbulence pay back with loyalty and effective work to the company.
    ● Reducing the level of stress and anxiety● Tools for working with emotions, maintaining yourself in a resource state even under the most stressful conditions● Basic knowledge of diagnosing psycho-emotional state to provide timely support to both colleagues and yourself● Skills of working with uncertainty

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Service for employees support


This is a corporate program designed to provide employees with individual psychological assistance to respond to any life challenges 
For example complex psychological effects of war, confusion, interpersonal relationships, PTSD, anxiety or depression, etc.
Fear, panic, and hopelessness attack the physical, mental, and financial well-being of teams.



Increased productivity


Optimization of staff turnover


Increased employee engagement


Reduced absenteeism and presenteeism


Reduced sick leaves



Online sessions with therapists 7 days a week


Safety protocolin case of an acute emotional crisis


Webinars for companies:
more than 40 speakers and over 100 topics to choose from


Sessions for close family and relatives


Personal Client Partner available 24/7


High-quality monthly analytics


Customized content plan/informational digeststo support the mental health of employees


Daily online groups "Strong Together"


7 days a week customer support with helpof Wellbeing officers team


Ability to conduct sessions in English




It is professional legal assistance for employees and their family members who are eligible for mobilization, mobilized or currently serving in the military, demobilized, veterans, and relatives of military personnel.

What do we offer?

Carefully selected team of legal experts

Consultations are provided by professional lawyers, licensed attorneys, whose average experience in legal consulting is 10 years, who are admitted to the bar for at least 5 years, and have experience in advising on military-related legal matters for at least - 1.5 years

Two formats of legal Support

Providing legal advice.
Preparation of legal documents.

Wide range of legal services

Legal assistance is offered on issues relating to financial aid and social security material and social security, status of a combatant, status of a person with disability as a result of war, conclusion of contracts and other matters related to military service, termination of military service and social protection of military personnel and veterans.

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Flexible advisory Support

We are available 7 days a week for online consultations and the Signal app
Efficient support and reporting system

Unique Support and reporting System

Personal Client Partner, monthly reporting and 24/7 support system from Wellbeing Officers



An initiative aimed at helping veterans return to civil life after completing their military service. It provides physical, psychological, emotional and professional support for veterans.


Why should businesses holistically address veterans’ reintegration? Veterans are just one part of a living organizational system, thus it would be shortsighted to approach veterans’ reintegration by working with the veterans alone.
To ensure veterans’ effective reintegration, we implement a set of activities (an ecosystem) aimed at continuous assistance and support in adaptation. Our Veterans’ Support & Reintegration Ecosystem enhances reintegration at three levels:● the veteran● his or her family● his or her managers and colleagues


A historic first and unique program in Ukraine to teach mid-level managers the supportive leadership style of management.
Supportive leaders - who are they?Mid-level managers who pay attention to the needs of team members, creating and maintaining a friendly climate and effective communication in the team.


How can they help?
● identify states of personal crisis and provide first aid● help to restore the team's performance● build environmental communication in the team


THANK ME is a non-monetary employee support and motivation project aimed at building a healthier corporate culture by increasing employee engagement and strengthening social ties in the team.


How does THANK ME project benefit the Company?● Strengths social ties ● Activates company values: engagement and integration of employees in the everyday work routine● Forms a healthier corporate culture and stronger employer brands


Wellbeing Screening - comprehensive testing of employees to determine their psycho-emotional state. The company is provided with the general results of the Test by employees and recommendations of psychologists to improve their condition.


Opportunities:● Identification and awareness of employees of their psycho-emotional state● Analytics to identify risks to the mental well-being of employees for each unit● Assessment of the effectiveness of line managers regarding the psychological state of their teams


Tetyana Petruk

Director for Sustainable Development and Human Resources of Metinvest Group


Connected to the program: more than 60,000 Metinvest employees and their family members

For the third year in a row, our company has been offering employees access to a unique mental health service called Metinvest Together. The Service, being implemented jointly with Wellbeing Company, was launched at the beginning of the full-scale war and was already of use to over 1,000 employees and their families, including demobilized veterans who are re-adapting to civil life and work at the mining and metals industry.

Highly qualified psychologists and coaches support our colleagues to regain their inner strength, find new meanings, and continue to live and work amidst the full-scale invasion.
We are grateful to Wellbeing Company. They are professionals who share our goal - preserve the mental health of the Ukrainian nation. Resilience and positive mental health are the resource Ukraine needs to fight back the enemy, win and rebuild.

Iryna Voloshchenko

Associate Manager, People Partner


Connected to the program: 10,400 EPAM employees

"EPAM has always been and remains a reliable business partner that provides its customers with high-quality and highly professional solutions. So, we could entrust taking care of the mental and emotional well-being of our employees only to a Contractor that shares our values and high service quality standards. And we are happy to be working with Wellbeing Company.
For a year and a half our colleagues have been highly appreciating the professionalism of Wellbeing Company’s consultants. More than 9 thousand people in our company have the opportunity to use the service and new users join monthly. Some of our employees have first turned to the Service with urgent psychological assistance requests and later identified great potential for development and an inexhaustible resource for applying wellbeing principles in life supported by a therapist or a coach. People within the company learn about the service not only from our official corporate communications, but also from each other.

From the operational and customization viewpoint Wellbeing Company is our perfect match. It is difficult to overestimate the warmth and care they give to our colleagues: excellent speakers for topical webinars, prompt response to all requests, high quality analytical reporting and timely recommendations relating to the events taking place in the country and business. Our cooperation is a sincere and conscious choice, developing into long-time relations."

Inna Stupan

Talent Business Partner Deloitte Ukraine


Connected to the program: 450 employees

For six months of cooperation with the Service, our experience was very positive. We were accompanied by a devoted Client Partner who processed our requests and listened to what we had to say. We want to note that the selection of experts for webinars on the part of Wellbeing Company was superb.
Anonymous feedbacks from our employees were very positive, which confirms the importance of corporate access to quality therapy. Caring for the mental health of employees is an important element of our well-being culture. We recommend the Service to all companies that share Deloitte values.

Olga Shilova



Connected to the program: 300 employees

On behalf of “Servier Ukraine”, we express our gratitude to Wellbeing Company for the fruitful cooperation in launching the EAP Service.
The safety and health of employees is the absolute priority of “Servier Ukraine”.
The EAP meets all our criteria: complete confidentiality of employees' requests, high qualification of therapists and coaches, clear and understandable process of interaction with employees, simplicity and timeliness - from the moment of signing the contract.
Employees are happy with the work of the Service, as evidenced by their high ratings of the quality of service.
Taking into account the positive feedback on cooperation, “Servier Ukraine” can confidently recommend the Wellbeing Company as a reliable and responsible partner in providing comprehensive well-being programs for business.

Lubov Koziura

CEO at Clear Thinking


Connected to the program: 7122 employees

Ferrexpo has been cooperating with Wellbeing Company since early 2020.
Wellbeing Company, first of all, shares our values. Their work makes our employees happy. Professionalism, attention to details, creative and flexible approach make cooperation easy and fruitful.
We are grateful for our business cooperation and friendly relations and look forward to further effective partnership. Wellbeing is No.1 on our list of wellbeing providers. We recommend Wellbeing Company to organizations that care about their employees and plan to implement wellbeing programs.
We wish you success and innovative ideas!

Marina Bylonog

HR Administrator


Connected to the program: 450 employees

In recent years, many global businesses have realized that employers are beginning to play the key role in the financial, physical and mental well-being of their employees and their families.
We are grateful to Wellbeing Company for supporting the mental health of our colleagues and their families.
We can confidently recommend the team of the EAP for professionalism and high quality of the service. From ensuring 100 percent confidentiality and fast processing of requests by Wellbeing officers, to the handy format of consultations and the high qualifications of therapists and coaches.
Our colleagues and their relatives are happy with the support received and turn to the EAP on an ongoing basis. The average assessment of the Service by employees is 9.98 out of 10.We are grateful to Wellbeing Company for reliable and professional service.

Yulia Yaremchuk

Internal Communications TL


Connected to the program: 1600 employees

We started cooperation with Wellbeing Company with a pilot project to determine the need of our employees in psychological support services. It took our employees two weeks to appreciate and love the EAP.
Access to professional therapy, guarantee of complete confidentiality builds up trust, which is reflected in the consistently high rating of 9.8. Our colleagues love an opportunity to choose their own therapist, suggest therapy service to relatives. Wellbeing Company speakers engaged for webinars were warmly welcomed by our staff.
We thank Wellbeing Company for responsiveness to the needs of our employees, cooperation and professionalism! We hope that psychological support services will become a must among Ukrainian companies. After all, the mental health of employees is the key to building strong, cohesive and productive teams, as well as an opportunity for growth for leaders in organizations.

Olga Ozerian

Training Manager


Connected to the program: 600 employees

We recommend Wellbeing Company because it is not just an investment in the mental health and well-being of your employees.

This is the formation of support, strengthening of reliable, trust-based relationships and a strong connection in the model "Employee - Company". The modern world shows that both of these aspects are interconnected and influence each other. Therefore, the best way to support your people is to take this first step forward and show that you as the company value your employees' professional expertise along with their personal characteristics and emotional well-being. This will be the key to long, reliable and effective cooperation.



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Olena Bondar


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Olga Poplavska

Chief operating officer

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